$425.00 USD

Hospice & Palliative Care Music Therapy Institute- 2024

Join us April 29, 2024 from 11am-7pm EST via Zoom!

The Hospice and Palliative Care Music Therapy Institute provides music therapists with in-depth training of the needs of terminally ill patients and their families throughout the lifespan. This virtual CMTE offers advanced techniques, repertoire building and affords participants opportunities to practice skills under supervision in role plays. In addition, they will learn the business aspects of hospice music therapy.

Participants earn 19 CMTEs

Registration includes an electronic copy of both Dr. Hilliard's Books: 
Hospice & Palliative Care Music Therapy: Guide to Program Development and Clinical Care, 2nd Ed. 
HeartSongs of Pediatric Palliative Care

In this course, participants will:
~ Learn to identify the clinical needs of people with a terminal illness
~ Create and evaluate music therapy interventions to meet those needs
~ Practice skills under supervision in role play scenarios
~ Learn how to establish a new music therapy program or expand an existing program in an end of life care settings and identify funding sources to establish a program

[ All asynchronous materials  must be reviewed and completed prior to LIVE zoom meeting on 4/29. Live attendance is required. ]